Meet the Children of Treasures of Africa



Birthday: January 24

Children come to live at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home for a variety of reasons. Some are...


Birthday: January 24

Children come to live at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home for a variety of reasons. Some are orphaned, some abandoned and others are brought to us because their living situation endangers their lives and they are classified as ”vulnerable children” by the government. Baraka’s case is the latter.

The modern day scourge of drug addiction has not left Tanzania unscathed by its fury. In a third world country with rampant poverty, the promise of momentary freedom from the crushing realities of life lures many people into the snare of drug use. This was the tragic and desperate lifestyle of Baraka’s parents.

Baraka’s mother fled the home, leaving two year old Baraka to fend for himself in a drug house. Though the father was physically present, his awareness of his own son was minimal from the drug-induced haze in which he existed. Some concerned party tipped off the welfare authorities that a two year old was wandering the streets and barely surviving in the neighborhood drug house.

Baraka came to live at Treasures in June of 2019. Though his exact age and date of birth are unknown, we estimated he was approximately two years and a few months old at that time.

There will be an attempt to find extended family that might be willing to take in Baraka. But more than a decade of experience has taught us that the likelihood of this is very slim. Meanwhile, we will love and care for Baraka with your generous support.


TOA Children That Have Been Adopted

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